Leticia Achils

Leticia Achils


“Best Service, 100% Results” Leticia offers her customer the highest quality of service and a true one-stop-shopping opportunity for home buyers and sellers. These services include the professional coordination of the home search, property marketing, negotiation of purchase or sale, and details of the closing. Leticia will work with you through the entire search and negotiation process and assist in finalizing the details.

​​​​​​​Why choose me… Full-time Realtor, Bilingual (English/Spanish), Short-sale specialist, Prompt for appointments, Excellent follow-up skills, Professional and patient, Quick response time, Condo specialist, Investors specialist.

"Mi señora y Yo queremos hacer llegar este mensaje de reconocimiento por los servicios que nos has prestado en todos los asuntos relacionados con nuestras propiedades. Ha sido un invaluable servicio profesional que agradecemos inmensamente y esperamos poder continuar con El."

Mil gracias: Marco Aurelio Ladino & Alcira Teresa Avellaneda de Ladino

"I have known Leticia Achils for about five years. I have always found her to be very reliable in the work she do. She handles all her business transactions with me in a very professional manner. I will always recommend her for any Real Estate transaction."

Dennis Rawlins
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